Add some interactive fun to your planner with this dashboard that has a hidden surprise - a few of the books on the shelf slide out to reveal space to write secret notes, rate books you've read or keep track of a TBR list.
For all ring planners, the dashboard will also be side loading, allowing you to add background papers or to use it as storage. For notebook style planners, the entire dashboard will be open on both sides, allowing it to slip over the pages of your notebook and still act as a pocket.
Additional Information
Size |
A6 Stalogy, Hobonichi Weeks, B6 Stalogy, Cousin, Pocket Rings, A6 Rings, Personal Rings, Personal Wide Rings, B6 Rings, Mini HP, A5 Rings, A5 Wide Rings (will not be punched) |

Romantic Bookshelf Interactive Dashboard